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L’affaire du jour – Podcast

S'il vous arrive d'être facilement distrait et d'avoir du mal à vous remettre à la tâche, alors il vous sera utile de mettre cette astuce en pratique.  Cette deuxième astuce de productivité du podcast se combine très bien avec la…

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Démarrez la journée – Podcast

vous arrive-t'il de terminer la journée sur les genoux?  Ayant l'impression d'avoir couru toute la journée mais de n'avoir rien accompli? Est-ce que vous vous retrouvez régulièrement à répondre à vos mails à 2h du matin ou à terminer un…

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If I were a virus

If you were a virus, what would you like to spread in the world? Here is my reply in the form of a poem.
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The inner critic

Who hasn't got this little voice that undermines the self-confidence through constant criticism?  Sometimes in your own voice of that of someone else's (a parent, a teacher, a boss, ....) . The tone, volume, location of this inner voice may…

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Good morning

A tip for having great days:  imagine the positive scenario of the best day you can have, imagine the sensations, the emotions, the energy, the resilience and the balance between activity and rest, interactivity and solitude.  Imagine who you want…

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Flesh, Blood Love

Poetry for the Living - Gifts for the Spirits 67 poems arranged in three parts: Soham (about the "I", us as separate individuals), Namaste (about the relationship of an "I" to a "you"), Ubuntu (about the wisdom of mankind and…

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Competencies at the heart of the Management Team

At the Management Team Retreat of this NGO, we identified quite a good number of competencies available in this multinational team of 7 people! Listening to each other's personal success stories and identifying key strengths deployed in these stories is…

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From distrust to cooperation

Having worked together for over a decade, and after an accumulation of misinterpreted actions, the relationship between this manager and team-leader was strained, conflicting and on the verge of becoming a full-blown crisis. It affected both the morale of the…

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Keep Rolling on

Inspiration comes from anywhere and may lead anywhere else!This song was triggered by the cat we had recently adopted running through the open window. The basic text and musical line of the song were immediately present. With Jo Toudje and…

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