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7 Things highly productive people do

The Programme Director of a large and well-known NGO gave me a very interesting document at the end of a training.  She had shared the article with her colleagues and said she was putting most of it into practice, with…

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My top 8 tips for managing your e-mails

Getting e-mails sorted out is becoming more and more nightmarish.  Finding out how to manage the incessant flow of incoming e-mails has become the main objective of people attending my personal effectiveness courses. So here are quick tips to get…

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Everyday Genius Institute

Tim Hallbom is a well-known and talented NLP trainer, modeler, author and behavioural scientist.  Tim and his wife Kris are also developing a fascinating programme for change called "Dynamic Spin Release". With Everyday Genius Institute, Tim has produced a short…

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Overcome the willpower myth

"Overcome the willpower myth" is a blog posting by Penelope Trunk that I read  after my own post (in French) on the same topic. I very much like the analogy with farming and how you can avoid depleting your mental…

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Put paper in the copier right side up

I was at a client's yesterday where I happen to be in the vicinity of a copier machine. As Murphy has taught us to expect, the machine was not functioning properly while someone was in an hurry to print/copy a…

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Faites la chasse au gaspillage!

Barak Obama l'exprime clairement dans cette vidéo: il est essentiel de faire la chasse au gaspillage, le plus petit soit-il.  Car tout compte. Le président américain poursuit en donnant des exemples des gaspillages que le gouvernement a identifié pour un…

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Did you give a fish today?

To give a fish to someone is to : thank them for something they have done or a behaviour they have had; acknowledge who they are and nourish the relationship you have together. I was first introduced to this notion…

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Who says that efficiency is not fun?

Do you believe that you will lose creativity and freedom if you become organised? A recent participant to one of my Time Management programme thought so. As she was learning about best practices to become more effective, she began to…

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