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The Shock of Change

We facilitated a series of workshops in French, English and Dutch, around change for the Belgian branch of a German organization in the service industry. The objective of the workshops was to provide knowledge and tools  for dealing with the…

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Kick-off Change

With my colleague of 17 years at the time, Lieve Woutters, we were asked to accompany the soft aspects of a Change journey for  a +200 service organisation that was completely being re-structured, including loss of jobs, re-defined roles, massive…

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You can hide

The poem below was inspired by conversations during a two-day workshop relating to Corporate Rituals.

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Entraînez-vous au succès

Entraînez-vous au succès, Trois clefs pour la réussite personnelle et professionnelle, disponible en livre électronique chez Bookboon. L'ouvrage est organisé en trois grandes parties: Donnez-vous des messages de réussite Visualisez votre rêve sous forme de film intérieur Faites des dépôts…

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Confusing roles at the workplace could cost you dearly

Balancing multiple roles within the same environment is delicate. Without proper precautions, you could be confronted to misunderstanding upon misunderstanding, to conflict and even to separation. I was working recently with a woman who had expressed difficulties finding her place…

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Ne casse pas la chaîne – don’t break the chain

Le concept de "Ne casse pas la chaîne" est simple et pourrait bien vous permettre d'atteindre vos objectifs facilement: Consacrez un certain temps chaque jour à accomplir une activité souhaitée; Quand c'est fait, marquez votre calendrier d'une croix. Cela crée…

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7 Things highly productive people do

The Programme Director of a large and well-known NGO gave me a very interesting document at the end of a training.  She had shared the article with her colleagues and said she was putting most of it into practice, with…

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My top 8 tips for managing your e-mails

Getting e-mails sorted out is becoming more and more nightmarish.  Finding out how to manage the incessant flow of incoming e-mails has become the main objective of people attending my personal effectiveness courses. So here are quick tips to get…

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Que feriez-vous d’une 25ème heure?

Sur Facebook, je découvre ce lien qui fait référence au livre de Bronnie Ware, infirmière pour malades en phase terminale, et dans lequel elle raconte les 5 regrets les plus importants de ses patients.  Son livre est intitulé "Regrets of…

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