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Culturally Proficient Leadership

Out of the blue, I receive a mail requesting permission to publish my poem ‘The Art of Hosting Diversity’ (or Dancing on the Edge) in the second edition of  ‘Culturally Proficient Leadership: The Journey Begins Within,’ Raymond D. Terrell, Eloise K. Terrell, Delores B. Lindsey & Randall B. Lindsey, 2nd Ed., (2018). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

The authors have come across the poem through a simple internet search.

The book is intended to provide you the opportunity to:

  • explore and learn “how” and “from whom” you developed your assumptions, values, and beliefs about people culturally different from you
  • learn from people who are culturally different from you
  • develop and intentional frame for culturally proficient leadership practice
  • learn how to model appropriate response to persons who are like and who are different from you
  • develop the skill and will to address issues of inequity that abide in your school or district”

Your poem is very consistent with the theme of our work with schools (…). Your voice adds an important tone to the message we intend with the book.

Raymond D. Terrell, Eloise K. Terrell, Randall B. Lindsey, Delores B. Lindsey
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