“Through Dorothy’s poems I can feel the support and inspiration to take risky steps in the world, both the inner and outer worlds, and hold the knowledge that I do this for my sake and the sake of the whole world. Dorothy has a special gift for uniting the reader and writer across time and culture to the human experience we share.”
Your poem is very consistent with the theme of our work with schools (…). Your voice adds an important tone to the message we intend with the book.
“Très chouette atelier pour s’initier à, pour redémarrer l’écriture poétique de manière légère et conviviale. Le temps a filé, et non seulement j’ai produit facilement 2 petits textes, mais je suis aussi repartie inspirée, avec l’envie de continuer au plus vite ! Merci à Dorothy et à mes compères du jour pour ce moment de douce émulation et de co-création ! Score : 10/10”
“Your poem has inspired us profoundly. So many layers of being with and working with difference(s) are shining through your words. It is very moving and “alive” – going directly to the heart of the matter. We are hosting a World Cafe this coming weekend called “Hosting Difference”, and we would love to use your poem in the invitation.”
“There was a crowd of thousands who heard this being read, but as we heard the words of this poem there was total silence. “I shall stand for love.” I scribbled the words down on my hand. I knew they were important.”
“Oh Thank you. I get maxed out on left-brain words!”
“Thank you, Dorothy, our world needs poems.”
“Thank you so much for this. It’s beautiful and I read it in the group today. Twice!
They asked for it to be read again. It was my pleasure to do so :)”
“Je tiens à te remercier pour le partage de ton poème. Il résonne dans mon âme de poète. Je suis touché par la précision de retranscription. Je reçois en mots ce que j’ai pu percevoir en sensations. Et je peux mettre des mots sur les flous qui m’habitaient encore!”
“I love the way you capture so much with so few words.”