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Dorothy Oger

Connecting the dots in people and organisations

Be you. Totally.

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Attending to your personal quest, I help you focus your energy while you can practice being you.

Generative Coaching – (Self) Leadership
Resilience Self-care
Communication Creativity – Life Coaching

English/French/Dutch – in live and on-line

20 years experience at the service
of your team and organisation

Team facilitation – personal and team effectiveness
– Change Journeys – Soft skills – Team Culture
Team practices – collective intelligence processes

Develop your team

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Do you want to explore poetry (intuition,art) as a tool for developing
your agility, your resilience and your
leadership in times of change?

Take part in the journey

“Dorothy is an exceptionally good trainer. She is able to adapt her style of training to suit the participants and use the available resources to the fullest. The way in which she provides training ensures that you remember what you have learned for a long time. Her training provides enormous added value.”
Gaston Lentz

“I have been to many, many different courses, but I reckon that this was the one that will influence my life the most. Thank you sincerely!”

“Dorothy, you will never become a car mechanic, but you know so much about the mechanics of the spirit and of the heart! And that too, helps us move forward.”
A manager at an insurance company

Copyright (©) 2020 Dorothy Oger

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